Brandon Bunce

Photo of Brandon Bunce

About Me

I am Brandon Bunce, an IT systems engineer. I have been extremely passionate about information systems from the day I learned to use an old PowerMac to play games to the present day, and along the way I have built a rich set of skills and experience across a multitude of different systems and appliances, while working to acquire standard certifications like A+ and Network+!

My favorite thing about my work is that it allows me to positively affect the lives of others, from fixing a friend's gaming PC or troubleshooting and bringing back up a network that a senior citizen uses to talk to their distant family. I often find that my greatest motivator is overcoming and developing a principled solution to any sort of challenge. 

Outside of work you can find me refurbishing all sorts of electronics, experimenting with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and home automation projects, working on my home cloud and organizing data, and of course enjoying a little bit of TF2 and Minecraft.

I set up this website as a "digital resume" for me to showcase any personal projects that I might take on that have helped me either accomplish something or grow my skill set. Each showcase is designed to display what insights I may have gained from the project as well as the thought process involved.

